GDR 2426 Quantum Mesoscopic Physics
Centre Paul Langevin du CNRS à Aussois.
from Monday Dec. 3th (noon) to Thursday Dec. 6th (noon)
We are pleased to announce the 2018 plenary session of the quantum mesoscopic physics GdR
Some highlights of this session:
Topological matter
Andrei Bernevig - Princeton
Sophie Guéron - LPS, Orsay
Pierre Delplace - ENS Lyon
Two-dimensional materials and devices
Raphaëlle Delagrange - Uni. Basel
Vincent Renard - INAC, Grenoble
Fabian Vialla - iLM, Lyon
Topical session: machine learning
Nicolas Regnault - LPA-ENS, Paris
Xavier Waintal - INAC, Grenoble
Emmanuel Flurin - SPEC, Saclay
Quantum oscillators
Ioan Pop - KIT, Karlsruhe
Fabio Pistolesi - LOMA, Bordeaux
Nicolas Roch - Inst. NEEL, Grenoble
Ultra-fast quantum electronics
Gwendal Fève - LPA-ENS, Paris
The GDR annual meeting is open to all researcher interested in mesoscopic physics.
Participation of young researchers is highly welcome. Don't hesitate to submit your contribution, regardless of its field.
deadline for registration Friday Oct. 19th
deadline for abstract submission Wednesday Oct. 10th